

We have a close relationship with St Mary’s. With such close proximity, we are able to escort children to and from school as part of our wrap around care service. Together with the Foundation Phase Department at St. Mary’s we have written a comprehensive transition policy which supports a smooth transition to school. Working closely with the school provides for continuity and progression in the children’s education within the Foundation Phase. As we provide early education for children 4 mornings per week we work closely with our link teacher, Jo Richards, who is the head of the foundation phase department at St. Mary’s school.

Throughout the final school term children will have visits to school and St Mary’s Foundation Phase staff will visit Playgroup. We start a comprehensive transition period during the summer term to ensure the children are familiar with the environment and staff before they start. The transition is arranged with the school staff, last year we worked closely with the Foundation Phase at school and our children visited each Wednesday morning for a session in the forest school. The Nursery children have been key in assisting our pre-schoolers during these sessions. The children have a fantastic opportunity to get know the teachers in the Foundation Phase at St. Mary’s and become familiar with the surroundings there. Even if your child will not be attending St. Mary’s but are with Playcentre for their early entitlement, they will still be included in the transition period if you so wish it.

St. Mary’s and Play centre will host open days in the Autumn and Spring term. This gives parents and carers an ideal opportunity to come along and meet the staff and experience the environment in which their children will be spending their days. It gives everyone a wonderful insight into the workings of the school and play centre. For more information on St Mary’s School. Overton On Dee visit their website


From time to time visits may be arranged from the play centre to places of interest, e.g. to the Café, library, park. These will all be walking within distance from the play centre. The staff/child ratio of 1:2 is maintained. Planned excursions outside of the local area will require written permission. Permission slip will be given to you to complete in advance of any planned trip.

Local trips do not require express permission as these will be covered in our forms enclosed in the admission pack. The use of equipment such as reins, wrist straps and pushchairs will be used where deemed appropriate by staff. The use of such will depend on your child’s developmental stage and discussions with you.


The health and safety of the children is of paramount importance. All the children in our care are supervised by adults at all times and regular safety monitoring is carried out. We promote a healthy lifestyle and high standards of hygiene are maintained. Our kitchen has been awarded a health rating of 5 by the Food Standards Agency. We have a nominated member of staff who oversees the health and safety aspects within the play centre.


 If your child is with us for lunch or dinner you will need to bring a cold packed lunch/dinner for them. Alternatively from September 2017 we have secured an agreement with St Mary’s school for the provision of hot dinners to playgroup children. These are ordered at drop off in the morning and collected by our staff at lunchtime for the children to eat at the Playcentre. A menu is available next to the signing sheets for you to consider. All our staff hold current food hygiene certificates and our kitchen is rated 5 by the Food Standards Agency. Snacks will be provided by playgroup.


Overton play centre is fully insured and our certificate is displayed on the main noticed board. We are regularly inspected by the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Estyn, Food Standards Agency and the fire service


There are many forms of illness that would prevent your child from attending play centre. Following the guidelines set out by the Health Protection Agency the recommended period to be kept away from play centre is 48 hours from the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea. Full guidelines are on display on the notice board. If ever in doubt, please call and speak to a staff member before bringing your child to play centre. See attached form showing exclusion periods for various illnesses.



At Overton Playcentre we believe that all children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our service and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns raised about the running and practices of the setting. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have clear procedures for dealing with any concerns.

Our aim is to ensure that all complaints about our service are handled effectively, courteously and in a timely manner. We also aim to ensure that solutions are implemented which satisfy both the parent/carer and setting.


It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that all complaints are dealt with. However, the management committee will be called upon for support. The management will investigate the complaint and deal with it both effectively and efficiently.

Any complaint should be handled effectively and swiftly and seen as an opportunity to evaluate the practice of the setting and improve quality.


 At Overton Playcentre our aim is to take seriously its responsibilities to protect and safeguard the welfare of all the children in our care and to take the necessary steps, should any concerns be raised in accordance with All Wales Child Protection 2008. We follow the correct guidelines set by Care Standard Social Inspectors Wales (CIW) to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children. Our nominated registered person, who take responsibility to ensure that those standards are met, is our manager Rachel Harris. If you have any complaints or concerns regarding the care of the children or the management on how Overton Playcentre is run you should not hesitate to contact CIW.

CIW (Care Inspectorate Wales)

North Wales Region, Government offices, Sarn Mynach, Llandudno Junction, Conwy, LL319RZ. Telephone Number: 0300 790 0126

Safeguarding and Child Protection


For concerns about Wrexham children and young people

Contact SPOA

Ring the Duty Social Worker on 01978 292039 during the day Monday to Friday or 0845 0533116 at night and weekends, to report any concerns or you can e-mail them at

North Wales Safeguarding Board (NWSB) is a statutory multi agency partnership responsible for co-ordinating and monitoring the effectiveness of work undertaken to safeguard children and young people. It brings together representatives of each of the main agencies responsible for helping to protect children and young people from abuse and neglect.

They are very keen to hear your views about safeguarding policy and practice, so please contact them via their website system enables any member of the multi-agency system, members of the public, children and young people to raise issues, concerns and compliments in respect of safeguarding activity to the North Wales Safeguarding Board Chairperson.